Meeting Minutes – April 27, 2015 Board Meeting
Conference Room / Penn State Shenango Campus / Sharon, Pa
Attending: R. McClelland, W. Melaro, J. Kearney, N. Loprire, C. Jochman,
W. Stevenson, J. Mondok, N. Loprire, T. Harris, M. Ceremuga, and R. Natoli
Guest: Tom Mullen – Deer Creek Group
1. Opening Comments – Carol Jochman for Jeff Kremis (absent)
Meeting with Sharpsville Beagle Club (SBC) April 7th – Several TU Board members met with the SBC to review the Cool Spring Creek logging operations, and other issues between the two organizations. There was a lot of content discussed, so our board would like to hold a separate meeting just to discuss those issues (Jeff Kremis to schedule special meeting).
Presidents Report for April 27th Meeting – See Attachment 1 at the end of these minutes
2. Minutes from the March 12, 2015 Board Mtg. – R. Natoli / Secretary
The minutes were written by Jeff Kremis as R. Natoli missed that meeting
W. Melaro made a motion to approve the March 12 Minutes, J. Kearney seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.
3. Financial Report – Carol Jochman / Treasurer
Banquet Silent Auction Items – Carol said all items were sold
Banquet Final Report – Carol is still working on the final report
4. Committee Reports:
A. Stream Improvement – Carol Jochman for Jeff Kremis (absent)
North Deer Creek – Tom Mullen attended the meeting as a representative, and he reviewed several items. He reported the Boy Scout Handicapped fishing area may be moved to the Stallsmith property due to a lack of interest on the part of the Scouts. The Youth Day Event was held on the opening day of Trout Season, and they had approximately 100 kids attend. They are considering moving the date of that event next year to coincide with Pa’s MENTORED YOUTH DAY. Tom and Mike Thomas requested copies of our Chapter Letterhead so they could use it in their solicitation efforts. Carol Jochman will send the letterhead electronically in an e-mail. They also need our tax I.D. number.
B. Munnell Run Trout Nursery – Bill Stevenson & Ken Tarczy
Trout Stocking – Bill said they stocked Deer Creek prior to their annual Youth Day Activities. They also stocked Wolf Creek the morning of our Fishing Derby. They also have plans to stock some trout in Lake Julia at Buhl Park next week. And the last one will be next to the Fly Shop in Volant to coincide with Bob Shuey’s Fly Fishing Class.
C. Banquet – Nick Loprire & Carol Jochman – No Report
D. Newsletter – Nick Loprire
Spring Issue – Nick posted it on our web site, and requested Membership Chair Tom Jochman to send it out to our members with e-mail addresses.
E. Membership – Tom Jochman was Absent – No report
F. Youth Committee – Various
Wolf Creek Fishing Derby – R. Natoli reported that we had 38 kids and 2 handicapped adults at the derby on April 25th. A good time was had by all, and 20 of the photos taken are displayed on the SLIDES section of our web site HOME PAGE. We need a better way to account for the free hat giveaway since we gave out 47 hats and only had 40 participants. It was suggested we use a “2-part ticket tear-away” system with the adults as they sign up their kids. A second volunteer would then take those tickets and hand out the appropriate number of hats to the kids. One of the children’s grandmothers donated $20.00 to our derby to be used next year.
We also discussed our appreciation to the Grove City Sportsman’s Club for providing the food every year, and decide to send them a donation:
J. Mondok made a motion to send the GCSC a $50 donation, R. McClelland seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.
G. Marcellus Shale – Jim Kearney
Jim reported a 50% reduction in the number of operating wells in Pa, but a record amount of gas is being produced. He also said that some drillers are gating off roads close to some wells off of Route 44 in direct violation of laws that grant public access to State Forests. Jim will ask his state representative about the road blocking issue.
H. Trout in the Classroom (TIC) – Reg McClelland / Jeff Kremis
Mercer TIC – Tom Harris reported that Mercer kids will release 80-90 fingerlings into Cool Spring Creek soon.
West Middlesex TIC – Jeff sent an e-mail telling us that they will release their fingerlings into Lake Julia at Buhl Park on Monday, May 11th.
5. Old Business:
Chapter Website – Matt Ceremuga brought his laptop computer to the meeting to demonstrate loading technique for a WEEBLY WEBSITE that uses a “click, drag, and drop” technique to load files or photographs. The fee is approximately $5.00 per month to maintain the site. Matt would design the site himself if we decided to change from the venue we are currently using. R. Natoli will discuss this new approach with our current web site developers Joe and Eli Natoli to find out what the advantages and disadvantages would be for a WEEBLY site.
6. New Business:
Neshannock Chapter Donations – We discussed sending $500 to PATU, and $500 to the Munnell Run Farm Foundation, in addition to the $50 already discussed for the GCSC.
7. Next Meeting Date – 6:30 pm on Monday, May 18th at Penn State Shenango Campus conference room in Sharon, Pa 150518_APPROVED Minutes April 27, 2015 TU Board Meeting_R. Natoli page 3 of 3